Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Gary Lucas  Don't Let The Bastards Wear You Down  Operators Are Standing By 
 2. Gary Lucas  Don't Let The Bastards Wear You Down  Operators Are Standing By 
 3. Whiskeytown  Fuckin' Bastards [aka Bastards I Used To Know]  Whiskeytown 
 4. Whiskeytown  Fuckin' Bastards [aka Bastards I Used To Know]  Whiskeytown 
 5. Ian Moore  03 Bastards  The Parish, Austin 28-Aug-04 D 
 6. Til Dog  Bastards  2008 
 7. Duran Lewis  Bastards  Brutiss/My13 never got remade worth a shit so old version 
 8. Fat Man Ranting  There's Something About Those Bastards  01APR07 FMR 
 9. R.A.T.S.  Ugly Bastards  Revolt Against The System 
 10. Alpha Plan  City Of Bastards  City Of Bastards 
 11. Elektrotot  Stupid Bastards  Noizetrauma 
 12. Arab Strap  Fucking Little Bastards  Live   
 13. Arab Strap  Fucking Little Bastards  Monday at the Hug & Pint   
 14. Arab Strap  Fucking Little Bastards  Live   
 15. Electrokids  Happy Bastards   
 16. Electrokids  Happy Bastards   
 17. Marc Metz  Bastards of Young  Bring Your Own Lampshade 
 18. Hunter S. Thompson  Really Ugly Bastards  Lecture At Boulder University, 1977 
 19. Inglorious bastards  Inglorious bastards  Bruised and blackeyed   
 20. Pro Mitra  Bastards of Young  Bring Your Own Lampshade 
 21. Children of Bodom  Bastards of Bodom  Are You Dead Yet?   
 22. Children Of Bodom  Bastards Of Bodom  Are You Dead Yet?   
 23. Children Of Bodom  Bastards Of Bodom  Are You Dead Yet?   
 24. Werner Berg  Pretencious bastards   
 25. Cursed  Hegel's Bastards  Three 
 26. Pop Will Eat Itself  Dance Of The Mad Bastards  Cure For Sanity   
 27. Let Me Crazy  Lazy Bastards  Virgin Metal 
 28. MF Doom as KMD  Black Bastards  Black Bastards 
 29. Walkin' Jim S  Outlive the Bastards   
 30. R.A.T.S.  Ugly Bastards  Revolt Against The System 
   1 2 3 4 5 6    »
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